FAGE Total Plain Extraordinary™

Answer these questions by thinking of the strategy that led to this commercial:

• Who is their target audience?

• What do you think their market research told them about their audience demographic?

• What thought process or brainstorming was used to create the copy and the imagery?

• Why do you think this commercial has received over 4 million views on YouTube?


studioseven said...

1. Their Target Audience is women. Especially women who desire to feel young and healthy. (they are also reaching Willem Dafoe fans who like awesome poetry.)

2. the commercial really appeals to the OCD in me so I feel like the "plain-ness" of the copy and visuals would appeal to healthy young women who have that propensity to be very organized and proper. The copy really pulls you in and appeals to people who love words. So apparently young healthy women love poetry and artsy-fartsy-ness.

3. they're pushing the idea of "PLAIN" so I think the color palett was obvious. They probably thought, "How can we make the color white beautiful and enticing?"

4. the visuals are absolutely flawless. Subliminally people are drawn to that whether they know it or not. The poetry is captivating and forces you to listen. Willem Dafoe's voice is intriguing and when you take all these things and put them together it creates content that is worth watching.

Anonymous said...

1). Their target audience is a slightly more erudite crowd than you'd find at the local Wal Mart, and with equally more disposable income. People who appreciate not only the visuals of the spot, but the intricate rhyming and word play. People who want to by designer yogurt, have the money to do so are wooed by the unique ad.

2). They don't pay attention to ads if they watch tv at all. You need to capture their attention in an intelligent creative way.

3). Can only guess at the thought process but would love to be a part of the brainstorming group that comes up with stuff like this. I would guess that they started with the opposite of what they want their yogurt to be perceived as...plain. Then came up came up with a series of visuals that laid the foundation for what "plain" is so they could bust through that conception with their super cool yogurt. I think they worked hard to make "plain" a visually interesting canvas, i.e. white, white milk, white cows, white yogurt. The also seem to have brainstormed the rhyming, and stringing them together in a way that gives it an intriguing syncopation and makes you catch on certain words by virtue of their repetition. The coup de grace to me, is the way they used color, sparingly but at the perfect time to make the ad really work and convey the beauty and non=plainness of their yogurt.

4). It is incredibly creative and intelligent with captivating visual and audio elements. It almost reminds me of a William Blake poem, the words that is. It is a piece of art in a world where the viewer is usually treated as ignorant and lazy and commercials are designed as such. This piece respects the viewer.

Great ad, thanks for sharing. Love the creative inspiration.

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